20241016 Strength

Warm up

General Warm up - 5 Minutes of light work

2 set
- Banded Pull Aparts 10
- Banded Pass Throughs 10
- Banded Face Pull 10

2 sets
- Banded X-Walks 10/10
- Banded Good Morning 10
- Bird Dog 10/10

Movement Prep
2 sets
- Clean Deadlift 5
- Muscle Clean 5
- Elbow Rotations 12/12
- Hang Power Clean 5
- Front Squat 5
- Strict Press 5
- Push Press 5


- Barbell Power Clean from Blocks 4x3@82-85%
- Behind the Neck Barbell Power Jerk 3x3@80%
- Barbell Front Squat with 3-Second Descent 4x4@85%

Accessory Work

Superset 1
1: Goblet Squat 3x12
1: Dumbbell High Pull 3x10

Superset 2
2: Banded Face Pull 3x20
2: Low Plank 3x1:00

Cool Down

2 sets
- Seated Butterfly Stretch 1:00
- Seated Quad Stretch :30 per side
- Seated Hamstring Stretch :30 per side

2 sets
- Child’s Pose 1:00
- Scorpion Stretch :30 per side
- Kneeling Ankle Stretch :30 per side

Foam Rolling
- Upper Back 1:00
- Glutes 1:00
- Quads 1:00
- Hamstrings 1:00

Deep Breathing 2:00


20241017 Conditioning - Running


20241015 Conditioning - Running