Hypertrophy Day - Upper Body Push/Pull

Warm Up

- General Warm Up - 5 Minutes of Cardio Machine of Choice

2 sets
- Standing Arm Circles 10/10 (Forward and Back - getting wider with each repetition)
- Banded Pull Aparts 15
- Banded Pass Throughs 10
- Banded Lat Stretch :30 per side
- Push Up 10

2 sets
- Door Way Stretch :30 per side
- Inch Worms 10 (Can be done stationary or traveling)

Hypertrophy Work

Superset 1
1: Incline Dumbbell Bench Press - 4x8
1: Incline Dumbbell Chest Flys - 4x12

Superset 2
2: Barbell Strict Press 3x10
2: Dumbbell Lateral Raises 3x12

Superset 3
3: Cable Biceps Curl 3x12
3: Banded Tricep Push Down 3x12

Cool Down/ Stretching

2 sets
- Standing Straight Arm Supported Chest Stretch :30 seconds per side
- Standing Shoulder Stretch :30 seconds per side
- Standing Lat Stretch :30 seconds per side
- Triceps Stretch :30 seconds per side

Foam Rolling
2 sets
- Upper Back 1:00
- Lats :30 per side


Strength Day - Bench Press


Strength Day - Back Squat