20241018 Workout of the Day - Strength & Tempo Work

Warm Up

2:00 Row (Every :30 increase intensity)

3 Rounds
- 10 Banded X-Walks
- 10 Banded Good Mornings
- 10 Glute Bridges
- 5 Pikes From Plank

Deadlift Prep

2 sets
- 10 Barbell Romanian Deadlifts
- 10 Barbell Good Mornings
- 10 Barbell Shrugs
- 10 Barbell Deadlifts

Strength Work

- Barbell Tempo Deadlift (4210) 4x5@70%
(4210) 4-second descent, 2-second hold at the bottom, 1-second ascent, no pause for next rep.

- Barbell Hip Thrust 3x10
- Dumbbell Reverse Lunges 3x8

Accessory Work

2 sets
:30 Second Plank Hold
15 Hollow Rocks
:30 Second Hollow Hold

Cool Down

2 sets
- Seated Hamstring Stretch :30 seconds per side
- Seated Figure-Four Glute Stretch :30 seconds per side
- Cat/Cow 10/10
- Child’s Pose 1:00

1 set
- 1:00 Upper Back Foam Roll
- 1:00 Glute
- 1:00 Hamstrings
- 1:00 Quads

2:00 Seated Deep Breathing


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20241017 Workout of the Day - METCON