20241002 Workout of the Day - Strength - Strict Press

Warm Up

2:00 Air Bike (Every :30 switch between arms only, legs only, and arms and legs)

3 rounds
- 10 Banded Pull Aparts
- 10 Banded Pass Throughs
- 5 Inch Worms-to-Push Up-to Pike

2 sets
- Kneeling Wrist Stretches 1:00
- Seated Shoulder Stretch :30 seconds per side
- Arm Crossovers 10
- Tricep Stretch :30 seconds per side

Movement Prep

2 sets
- Barbell Good Mornings 10
- Front Rack Barbell Elbow Rotations 10
- Back Rack Barbell Elbow Rotations 10
- Barbell Strict Press 6

Strength Work

Barbell Strict Press
- 3x5@70%
- 2x3@75%
- 3x1@80%

Accessory Work

3 sets
- 10 Tuck Ups
- 10 Sit Ups
- :30 second plank (side - side - low)

Cool Down

2-3 sets
- Shoulder Stretch :30 seconds each side
- Triceps Stretch :30 seconds each side
- Standing Lat Stretch :30 seconds each side
- Biceps Stretch :30 seconds each side
- Foam Roll Upper Back 1:00


20241003 Workout of the Day - METCON


20241001 Workout of the Day - METCON