20241001 Workout of the Day - METCON

Warm Up

2 Rounds
- 10/12 Calories on Bike
- 10 Banded Pull Aparts
- 10 Banded Pass Throughs
- 10 Banded Good Mornings
- 100 Meter Run

Movement Prep 1
1 Round
- 10 Scap Pull Ups
- 8 Kip Swings
- 6 Kipping Pull Ups
- 4 Strict Pull Ups

Movement Prep 2
1 Round
- 5 Inchworms
- 4 Pikes
- 3 Burpee
- 4 Dumbbell Upright Row
- 5 Dumbbell Strict Press


200 Meter Run
8 Pull Ups
6 Dumbbell Hang Snatches
4 Alternating Dumbbell Burpee

Score is total rounds and reps completed

Accessory Work

2 sets
- 12 Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curls
- 10 Dumbbell Front Raise
- 8 Dumbbell Triceps Overhead Extension

Cool Down

2-3 sets
- Banded Lat Stretch :30 seconds each side
- Standing Chest Stretch Against Wall :30 seconds each side
- Standing Quad Stretch :30 seconds each side
- Pigeon Stretch :30 seconds each side


20241002 Workout of the Day - Strength - Strict Press


Week 4